MISSION // Mainframe Studios is a financially self-sustaining nonprofit providing affordable workspaces to advance equity and opportunities in the arts.
Mainframe Studios is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded by Justin Mandelbaum, principal of Mandelbaum Properties. Along with his father John, the Mandelbaums have donated their time and development expertise, in addition to financial support, and have never charged Mainframe for their services.
A $15M capital campaign enabled Mainframe to purchase and renovate its building. Mainframe opened its first floor of studios in 2017. Today, the building is fully renovated with 180 studios supporting over 220 artists across 30+ disciplines.
Rents are priced to cover all operating expenses and a reserve fund/endowment. The nonprofit is designed to be financially self-sustaining, allowing Mainframe to stand the test of time and ensuring that creative professionals have a place in the heart of our city for generations to come.
Make it
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
As an organization and a community of artists, Mainframe Studios fully supports anti-racist activism. We vow to purposefully identify, discuss, and challenge issues of race and the impact(s) they have on our organization, its systems, and the artists who work here. We are in full support of individual expression and critical thinking and believe that creative ideas can best be realized in spaces where anti-oppressive policies are nurtured. We vow that our events will be safe for all bodies and respectful of difference. We vow to strengthen one another through collective action, shared information, and mutual support.