Mainframe Studios Artist Judy Goodwin


Clay Sculpture

In Memoriam: Judy Goodwin and Studio Space #435

With heavy hearts, we remember the vibrant spirit of Judy Goodwin, an artist whose creativity graced studio space #435 with inspiration and passion. After dedicating 35 years to the field of education as an English professor at Grand View University, Judy embarked on a profound journey to express herself through the tactile art of sculpting.

Judy's transition from the realm of academia to the world of clay marked a beautiful evolution. Her hands, once the conduits of knowledge, became the architects of the human form. In studio space #435, Judy's intuitive exploration found its canvas, and the results were nothing short of transformative.

As a sculptor, Judy breathed life into the inanimate, shaping clay into intricate expressions of the human figure. Her creations became a testament to the depth of her intellect, the power of her intuition, and the grace of her hands. The studio, once a silent space, echoed with the whispers of Judy's artistic endeavors.

Beyond the clay and sculptures, Judy's presence in studio #435 was a celebration of a life lived with curiosity and a relentless pursuit of self-discovery. Her artistic endeavors reflected not only a mastery of form but also an embrace of newfound freedom, a departure from the structured world of academia.

Though we mourn the physical absence of Judy Goodwin, her legacy lives on in the imprints she left within the walls of studio #435. May her sculptures continue to inspire, inviting others to explore the depths of their own creativity as she did.

In loving memory of Judy Goodwin,

Mainframe Studios

Kim Goldberg

I’m an artist, graphic designer and art director in Des Moines, IA with 28+ years of design, project management and art experience. I worked at Gallup as a Senior Design Consultant (17 year tenure) then at Ervin & Smith Advertising & PR as a Senior Art Director. I started my own design business in 2009 where I continue to collaborate with a diverse group of clients from around the world.

